Peru - San Igancio Cajamarca - washed process - Organic - SINGLE ORIGIN
Peru - San Igancio Cajamarca - washed process - Organic - SINGLE ORIGIN
Peru - San Igancio Cajamarca
San Ignacio - natural
International shipping available
This beautiful 100% organically grown coffee hails from a group of various farmers in San Ignacio, Peru - one of thirteen provinces that make up the Cajamarca region, a lush, mountainous area in Peru’s northern highlands where coffee farming is an important economic driver and supports the livelihoods of thousands.
Cajamarca’s coffee industry, like the rest of Peru, is dependent on numerous smallholders. That is why you find many farms between 2 and 3 hectares of land. Large estates are rare. The small farms collaborate to form larger cooperatives. These groups help to improve farming conditions, pay and traceability for the small growing lots. Cooperatives are provided fair trade certification, with a large portion focusing on organic growing methods such as natural fertilisers and pest control methods.
High-yield varieties like Catimor, Catuai, and Mundo Novo are popular among growers. Besides these sturdier varieties, you will find others like Bourbon, Typica (which locals call ‘National’), and Caturra.
Coffee Profile
Producer: Various small farmers
Region: San Ignacio, Cajamarca, Peru
Altitude: 1250 - 2150 masl
Harvest: May - Sept
Varieties: Catimor, Mundo Nuovo, Caturra, Typica
Processing: washed
Evenly balanced with a smooth medium body. Plum, red apple, milk chocolate . Lingering sweet toffee.
Brewing Suggestions -
please feel free to experiment
Pour Over Recipe: (credit: Tetsu Kasuya)
Grind size: Coarse
Water Temp: 89 - 92 degrees Celsius
Ratio: 20g for 300 / 1:15
Brew time: 3min 30s
- Rinse filter & pre-heat pour over vessel of your choice.
- Pour in 20g of coarse-ground coffee
- Add 60g of water per pour 5 times, waiting 45s between each pour. This results in a total brew of 300g.
- Control the balance of the coffee by modifying the 1st and 2nd pours. For a sweeter brew, make a smaller first pour (e.g. 50g). For more acidity, a larger one will do the trick.
- Use either less or more water for the second pour to compensate for the difference (if any) in the first one.
- The 3rd, 4th and 5th pours can be tweaked to 2 larger 90g pours for a weaker brew, or into 4 smaller 45g pours for a stronger one.
Espresso Recipe:
Peak Brewing: 7 – 35 days post roast date
Brewing Ratio: 44% (1:2.25) i.e. 20g dose = 45g extraction yield
Extraction Time: 28– 32 seconds
Temperature: 93 degrees Celsius